Moersch Tanol Speed 500 – (2 x 250ml)


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Tweedelige filmontwikkelaar (2x 250ml), 25-32,5 liter working solution voor het ontwikkelen van 75-185 films.?
Tanol Speed generates higher film speeds or shorter development times than Tanol. The stain is yellowish green and with some films the density of the base fog can be higher than usual.?
This developer is suitable for most films between 25 and 400ASA. In most cases the nominal film speed according to ISO can be either reached or surpassed.?
Films that have not been listed are not suitable for this developer. All major brands have been tested. If your preferred film is not in the list, you can spare yourself the trouble of making your own test series.?
As yet, there is no knowledge about the shelf life of the stock solutions after opening. However, there isn’t?any significant change towards Tanol.

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