Very nice Leica R5 Body all black. An awesome camera if you want to use Leica products but don’t want to break the bank. Very decent Leica body that adapts to beautiful R-glass.
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The Leica R5 feels incredibly well made. It has a certain weight to it that emanates quality. To be fair, what else could one expect from a Leitz and Minolta co-operation? The body feels sturdy and holds nicely in the hand but is not bulky and is pretty inconspicuous (depending on the lens you decide to use of course). Because the camera is battery operates Leica and Minolta decided to give it all the features we know today. The shooting options are the same as one would have on a modern digital camera: There is automatic mode, aperture priority, shutter priority and completely manual. Giving you all the flexibility you can get. Furthermore, there are two metering modes, spot metering and centre weight giving more versatility when it comes to metering a scene.
Everyone knows the Leica glass has always been of exceptional quality. This also applies to the Leica R glass that can be fitted to this body. The best thing about the R glass is that the price point is quite a bit lower than the Leica M glass we all know. However, the image quality of the R lenses is also exceptional. Luckily we always have a couple of R lenses in stock, so check out the rest of the website to find a lens thats suits you!
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